So then the case of Mr Snowden can anyone really deny him asylum for uncovering the fact that the internet is being spied on by governments and nations not just on special occasions but all the time even this rhyme might appear on some monitor that shows Eastern Daylight Time at the bottom right hand corner of some spook’s screen or be passed through an American algorithm machine like free thinking blood through an eavesdropping spleen
Surely at least most of us realise that information is power and what a surprise powerful people want to perpetuate powerful lies where the Great Firewall of China blinkers its citizens’ eyes the West seems to leave it’s gates open wide for inquisitive minds to search and speak out about what they find and it’s this freedom that the NSA mines not the information itself but the momentum of the lines that navigate, intersect and educate these multimedia times
But we’re losing track of Mr Snowden and we need to get a hold on this whole situation of why shared information should not be treated as treason the reason being that if it’s okay for the powers that be to have access to the emails and social media of you and me then why can’t we strive to ask for the same amount of transparency and the irony here is I’m not annoyed that they may be snooping on me I'm annoyed at how annoyed they are when their secrets are freed in much the same way that they have been freeing mine from me
So let’s protect Mr Snowden who’s risking his life let’s shout from the rooftops “I’m Daniel Snowden and so’s my wife!” let’s hide in politician’s wardrobes and record what they say let’s bring type writers to the library and all not use the internet for one whole day let’s buy everyone a whistle and synchronise our blows so that everyone knows where we stand which is behind this man who took on the land of the free but in doing so put his life in jeopardy let’s all fly to Moscow and make it clear that he will never be alone not in his mission, not in the world and not in the International Airport Transit Zone
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