Wednesday 24 March 2010

i found these in an old notebook

9.46 to Yarmouth

The nine forty six to Yarmouth
points itself at the sea and
rolls towards the darkness
where the horizon used to be

A night in Leicester

The abacus is not a machine.
It seems.
Tony is not a cheater.
It seems.
Gorilla is not a meat.
It seems.
The nature of Dave is repeats.
Saddam is dead.
Robin is not safe at parkour.
I know TJ's number.
Or so it seems.


An hour lost in Ely
inspires my soul, no really.
The truncated connections and
near anguishes of the pikies
errupt around me
like quiet but unstoppable screams.
My gaze is drawn to stretched tops but I can no longer
use summer as an excuse,
not here in Ely,
not really.

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